Sectoral Statistics Development, "Mabar Rises Mabar Mantab" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Barat Regency

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Sectoral Statistics Development, "Mabar Rises Mabar Mantab"

Sectoral Statistics Development, "Mabar Rises Mabar Mantab"

February 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Good sectoral statistics can be measured by the availability of existing sectoral data that can meet the needs of regional governments. The data required meets statistical rules and meets the One Data Indonesia (SDI) principle. The level of maturity of statistical activities can be measured by the Statistical Development Index (IPS) value. In 2024, the IPS target for Selindo City District is a good predicate (>2.60 points). To achieve a good predicate score requires more commitment and effort, as well as collaboration between data developers, data forums, data guardians and data producers. The strategy to increase the IPS score in 2024 certainly requires improvements to the 2023 EPSS which need to be addressed. BPS West Manggarai Regency as the supervisor of sectoral statistical data held sectoral statistical development which was integrated with the West Manggarai FGD in Numbers activities with the resource person, Coordinator of the Agency Assessment Team (TPB), Mr. Dyonisius H S Jewaru, SST., M.Ec.Dev. West Manggarai Regional Secretary, Mr Drs. Fransiskus Sales Sodo in his speech and direction was very supportive of the commitment to realizing IPS scores in 2024 with good distinction with various collaborative efforts at the Mabar data forum.

~ Data is the most expensive treasure

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