All West Manggarai Regency BPS publications can be downloaded on the Publications menu or can be obtained from the West Manggarai Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service on Jl. Frans Nala, Batu Cermin Village, Labuan Bajo every Monday-Friday 08.00-15.30 WITA
Welcome to Our Website. Integrated Statistics Services of BPS Manggarai Barat besides being able to serve directly, we can also serve via E-mail (
On Wednesday 17 July 2024 BPS West Manggarai held a Morning Call on the Terrace of the BPS West Manggarai Office. This morning assembly was held as part of the routine assembly every 17th of every month. At the rally on the 17th, the uniform worn is a Korpri uniform with nameplate equipment, Korpri badge and black cap. And also at the roll call every month a message sent from the Indonesian Central BPS Office will be read.