Productive Age Health Screening at BPS Kabupaten Manggarai Barat - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Barat Regency

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Productive Age Health Screening at BPS Kabupaten Manggarai Barat

Productive Age Health Screening at BPS Kabupaten Manggarai Barat

February 10, 2025 | Other Activities

On February 10, 2025, UPTD Puskesmas Batu Cermin held Productive Age Health Screening activities at the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of West Manggarai Regency. This activity aims to detect early risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and increase awareness of the importance of maintaining health among employees who are in their productive age.

In this screening, the participants underwent various health checks, such as blood pressure measurement, blood sugar levels, and education on healthy lifestyles. With this activity, it is hoped that employees can better understand their health conditions and implement a healthy lifestyle to prevent disease in the future.

UPTD Puskesmas Batu Cermin is committed to continuing to support public health through preventive programs like this, in order to improve quality of life and work productivity.
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