Seruti Integration Susenas Enumeration March 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Barat Regency

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Seruti Integration Susenas Enumeration March 2024

Seruti Integration Susenas Enumeration March 2024

February 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS West Manggarai Regency carried out field enumeration activities for the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) and Household Economic Survey (Seruti) March 2024.

There were 51 officers involved in the Susenas and Seruti census. 34 officers as Field Enumerators (PCL) and 17 officers as Field Supervisors (PML), who will go into the field and enumerate 55 sample blocks spread across all sub-districts in West Manggarai Regency. They had to traverse various terrains and field conditions to reach all the households recorded as samples.

Before serving in the field, they have taken part in online and face-to-face training to ensure that each officer understands every question in the questionnaire and masters good interview techniques so that they can produce good quality Susenas and Seruti data.

Susenas produces poverty figures, which is one of the parameters for the success of regional authorities. Therefore, officers must work according to SOP and avoid moral hazard. We hope that Susenas and Seruti officers will be given ease and smoothness in carrying out the census.
~ Data is the most expensive treasure

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