BTS Concert (BPS Sectoral Statistics Consultation on The Spot) August Edition - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Barat Regency

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BTS Concert (BPS Sectoral Statistics Consultation on The Spot) August Edition

BTS Concert (BPS Sectoral Statistics Consultation on The Spot) August Edition

August 29, 2024 | Other Activities

BTS Concert Location: Bappeda Office of West Manggarai Regency

Snapper Fish Grouper Fish
Data Mantap Mabar Maju

Hello #sobatdata...
The BTS Concert is one of BPS' initiatives as a data coach to bring statistical consultation services closer. This aims to build and strengthen the National Statistics System (SSN) with quality sectoral data. The location of the BTS Concert this time is the Bappeda office of West Manggarai Regency. The main purpose of the BTS Concert this time is to support the Bappeda of West Manggarai Regency in preparing the 2025-2045 Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD). BPS is very pleased to be able to make a real contribution to the development of the West Manggarai Regency region.
See you at the next BTS Concert.

~ Data is the most expensive treasure

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